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  • Feel the adrenaline in white water rapids.
  • See the beautiful scenery of the Neretva river, as it carved through a deep rock valley.
  • Treat yourself with a barbeque.
  • Have some fun.
  • Go Rafting on the Neretva and Una.

Rafting on Una river

Rafting on the river Una became an unavoidable social event what is proved by many business groups and families which always scroll back to this river. Upper flow of the river Una is completely potable and it was declared as national park (NP) Una. These facts are enough arguments of extraordinary grace and purity which this river possesses, these are one of the main reasons why the river Una is considered to be oasis for truthful lovers of nature and natural beauty.

Join and experience rafting on the most beautiful parts of the river Una where you will have also a chance to taste gastronomic specialities which are specific for this regions.

Rafting on Neretva river

Rafting is adventurous sport and one of the most popular forms of active relaxation in Bosnia in a few last years. The activity of boating down the river. We as a team offer the best winter rafting in Bosnia. Rafting boats can accommodate up to 10 people. The whole Neretva rafting adventure is organized by professional licensed rafting guides, skippers. We have complete Neopren equipment of 2 to 5 mm for the winter rafting also. This rafting is safe for all ages. Every person on the rafting has insurance!


Glavno sjedište: 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Adresa: Hamdije Kreševljakovića 61

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